For our final project, Justin and I were able to tell the story of one of the greatest festivals of all time, South by Southwest. For the last 28 years, SXSW has grown into a worldwide recognized entertainment festival and
Fusion Charts
Google has done it again! Whether it is producing heartwrenching television commercials or creating incredible charting tools, I’m never ceased to be amazed. Along with all of their other great tools, they have ways to make all sorts of powerful
Final Project Ideas
After thinking about everything we have learned thus far in the semester and trying to come up with an idea for a final project that incorporates a little bit of everything, it proved to be a little difficult. With having
Charts, Charts, and More Charts
After covering charting and a variety of different tools to create the perfect visualization that tells a story, I know have that much more knowledge on data journalism. The first of three tools we used in learning charting was Highcharts.
Texas Music Tweets
For our second assignment, we were to extract data using Twitter’s API. This was an excellent exercise to become familiar with how API’s worked and what can be accomplished when using them. I did not know it was possible to
Inside of Google News With Stacie Chan
On October 22, the third day of Mass Comm Week, guest speaker Stacie Chan appeared to discuss her story on how she became the Community Manager for Google News. After graduating from Stanford with a master’s degree in journalism, Stacie
Trei Brundrett – Mass Communication Week 2014
As part of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Texas State University, every year they organize and dedicate a week for students to connect with professionals to interact and discuss the world in mass communication. This is a
Festival Interactivities
I chose to do an interactive chart displaying the different number of attendants at three festivals taken place in Austin, Texas between 2011-2013. Interactive Charting After completing this project, I have learned a lot of new information that will
Austin Music Data
Due to unexpected events, I had to travel home for the weekend and didn’t have much time to search for some really cool data. I did though find some simple statistics that would get me started. I wanted to adjust
The Cell Phone That Truly Knows Everything?
So a big topic being thrown around right now is whether our personal cell phones are as private as we would like to hope. Rumors that government is hacking into our phone calls and accessing our cameras so they can