As part of SXTXState I’m a joint social media manager. I guess I’ve just got social media on the brain because my after giving some thought to what I wanted to make for our first assignment I settled on a quiz that tells the user what social media platform their personality most resembles.

The options will be Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat. The most social, relationship oriented of these is Facebook and then ranking downward on that scale I think we move from Facebook to Instagram to Snapchat to Twitter. The quiz will be worth 40 points and if you score 0-10 you will be twitter, 11-20 will be Snapchat, 21-30 will be Instagram and 31-40 will be Facebook. The questions will be about how the taker acts in social situations, how much they enjoy being social etc. I will have five questions each with four available answer options. The most social answer will be worth 8 points, second most 6, third drops to 4 and the least social answer drops to 2. At the end of the quiz the point values for each answer will be added up and depending on what point range the score is in a particular graphic of a social media icon and set of text explaining the user’s result will show up.

Here’s a sketch of what I’m planning to make it look like. Forgive my lack of artistry:



It’s live! Check it.

My quiz for assignment one