By Melanie Morales

project1I’m back with a couple new ideas for the first project. I feel like my first idea is going to be better suited for Project 3 because I would like to use the charts to supplement it. Therefore the idea(s) floating in my head for the first project are to have BuzzFeed-type quiz that asks questions pertaining to America (in honor of the Presidential election). I have Sara Shields to thank for this as she asked me a question about the candidates and I was completely oblivious. So maybe by doing this assignment I will learn a little more and join the rest of America!

The other idea would be to do a quiz about people, verses, occurrences, etc. in the Bible. If you were with me last semester in Cindy’s class, you might know that most of my assignments were about my church. That’s right, I love Jesus. The application would test believers and non-believers wishing to take it to see what they know! In either of the quizzes, the right answers would hold the scores and be computed when pressing submit. The DOM would be manipulated to let them know their score in either a 10/10 or percentage setting. I would like to have approximately 10 questions on either of the quizzes with pictures to accompany the questions. Please enjoy my very basic picture of what it would look like!


First Project Idea (appended): Are you American or Do you know Jesus?