My project, Does Austin Have “Live Music Capital of the World” Resources, proved to be tricky. During the project, I had issues with scraping the business listings on the Texas Music Office‘s website due to the fact that they weren’t
Graphing greatness…
So for my graphing endeavor, I decided to use partial information from my final project as the data for this project. I collected information from the Texas Music Office for resources available to artists in Austin and Dallas and compared
Tweeting #txst..
So Twitter is fairly useless when it comes to the history of bars in Austin, so I decided to look at tweets involving the “txst” hashtag to see if I could identify any music trends among Texas State students. Due
Delivering Deliberate Data
So my main takeaway from the Delivering Data section of the Data Journalism Handbook is that news with a data component to it needs to be relevant and engaging. The data needs to tell a story. A story that the
Bands and Genres and Hashtags, #OhMy
So, for my final project, I would like to attempt to look at Texas bands and artists by genre and use a Twitter API to pull out their most frequently used hashtags. The questions I’m looking to answer is does
Social Media Calculator
For my app I have decided to make a calculator that show people how much time they spend on various social media over the span of a week, a month, a year, and their lifetime. The app will ask
Telling a Story with Data
From The Case Studies The case study I was most interested in was the Hospital Billing case study. The data set analyzed the amount of up-coding that happened in Medicare billing. The reason why this interested me so much is because
Music, data, and a big picture.
Hi! My name is Cody Herring and I am a Strategic Communication major at Texas State University! I did my undergraduate at Texas State and received my B.A. in Advertising. After working at a newspaper for two years as an