So Twitter is fairly useless when it comes to the history of bars in Austin, so I decided to look at tweets involving the “txst” hashtag to see if I could identify any music trends among Texas State students.

Due to time limitations most of the SXSW tweets were unavailable to me and most of the tweets I received were about baseball and parties. Below is a word cloud with the top 100 words used in the tweets. As you can see it’s mainly a grouping of sports terms. I searched for the past 10,000 tweets, and this is what I got:

Word Cloud


So looking at the circle map, you can see the largest concentration of tweets came from the Austin/ San Antonio area which for some reason merged together. This was supposed to be two separate circles, but that didn’t happen.

Texas Circle Cody H

Dallas and Houston were also two places that used the txst hashtag frequently. Surprisingly, no tweets from El Paso were found.

Looking at the marker map, you can see the widespread range of tweets using the txst hashtag. This map gave me problems from the get go, but it’s also one of the most interesting maps in my opinion.

Texas Marker Cody H


There is unfortunately not enough data for me to generalize this to Texas State Twitter users as a whole. I think with continued searches on a frequent schedule though you could get an idea for the music scene at Texas State and a clearer picture of users music  media habits.

Tweeting #txst..