I decided to start out in a general direction for the overall project by searching just the word music. I felt I would catch more than I wanted with this search and could help cut down on what is not needed. I ended up with a whooping one million tweets! Sadly, it was too much information to create a word cloud so I decided to just take 1300 tweets from it.

If you click on the above picture it will take you to the geolocation for the tweets as well. Of course there are not as many tweets in geolocation, but it gives a rough estimate of how many people are tweeting in what parts of the world.

Next I took the top highest mixed drink revenue of three clubs or bars and found geolocation tweets. The four places are called Rio, Kung Fu Saloon, and The Blind Pig Pub. Clicking on each of their names will bring you to their map. It is a small number, but being able to visualize where some of the tweets are coming from is a big help to location.

Overall, I feel comfortable with using this type of software and getting new perspectives for the final project.

General to Specific: Music Creation