Stacie Chan during her presentation
Stacie Chan during her presentation

This presentation was interesting for me because I’m a journalism student, but I’m not sure if I will end up working as a traditional reporter. Stacie Chan gave of one example of a relevant journalism job that is also tech influenced. I wasn’t super familiar with Google News before, and I wouldn’t have assumed Google employed journalists (even though Stacie doesn’t write news for Google of course).

I also wasn’t aware news sites had to apply to be in Google News. I guess it is one example of how involved news on the Internet can be. Stacie spends a lot of her time simply responding to the news sources. Even though tradition journalism jobs may be declining, new work is added for support of these news websites: developers, social media monitors, ect.

I liked how Stacie mentioned her job emphasizes ideas and innovation. I think that’s basically what technology is all about. Dreaming something up and then figuring out to to make it a reality. Even if we’re not the techiest of techies, there’s always a need for innovators who figure out things like how better to merge journalism and technology. It’s clear that news transitioned to online, it became problematic. I think we have a long way to go before we sort out the issues within our trade. I doubt journalism is ever going to disappear because it is a necessity, but the need for change is mounting.

I found Stacie’s Wikipedia article funny because it mentioned her being a voice actress as a child! I Goggled her. Ha ha!

Stacie Chan from Google News