For Assignment 2 I decided to stick with our Texas music tweets, but switch it up a bit. I chose to maps tweets about the singer Austin Mahone who is orginally from San Antonio. He’s what I like to call a “Viral Popstar”. An 18 year old who started posting covers on YouTube from his bedroom and is know signed with a record deal, touring all around the world. He is someone who gets a lot of tweets due to his large online following (7.27 million Twitter followers) and I knew his map would be interesting.

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Using the “Snazzy Maps” website Jesse showed us, I made the map grayscale with a transparent image of Austin’s autograph as the marker.

I thought it was really cool that I got so many results from all over the world. Like I said in the beginning of the post, I knew he was a pretty internationally known artist, but it was so cool to see results from Africa and Asia, as well as the obvious countries like the USA and Brazil.

Austin Mahone Tweet Map