The Final Project

For my final project, I would like to look at the development of music genres. Using the Million Song Dataset in this case study, I hope to look at the creation of genres based on both textual and musical elements.

Data Journalism

I believe data journalism is story telling at its finest. It’s the intersection of solid facts, stunning images and a strong voice. Instead of talking at our readers, we can talk with them. We’ve found a way to add the idea of

Data Journalism

I believe data journalism is any story that takes information and makes it visual, understandable and accessible to the average viewer. It transforms something measurable to something viewable, which in turn makes it something people can act upon. The visuals

The Artists of #ACL (+GitHub) The above was an exercise in pulling down Tweets with Python and mapping that information with the Google Maps API. The process involved coding, troubleshooting, and of course, visualizing data on the web. Of all the things I learned from this