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Voila, my project, Austin Venues

Though this project proved to be difficult, I frankly became enamored with the subject. I find nostalgia to be utterly fascinating so naturally Austin is the perfect place to study this phenomenon. The study is undergoing some fast changes which many of its original residents cannot deal with. So I decided that pairing this with music was fascinating. Replicating data that I found regarding housing and demographic changes proved to be difficult since they were extremely high level and the information had not been translated online. Other than that, finding data about the changes in Austin venues did not prove difficult in the very least. There are a plethora of resources that give a  glimpse into the glorification of the Austin that once was. There I scraped the data for the rest of my project.  I really enjoyed photographing and researching for the subject as well as the interview process. I feel like I learned even more of the place I call home and that is just amazing.


Now as far as the coding goes… The last coding class I took was in 2012. A time when Bootstrap was barely gaining traction and WordPress was the hardest thing to do. I was obviously, extremely rusty (and still am) in my coding skills. Besides feeling like a relic every day I struggled the most with Bootstrap since I have been trying to catch up and Java but only because of a lack of practice. However, this class only reinforced the love I have for coding that goes all the way back to Myspace. I also want to hone my Middleman knowledge so I can put on my resume.


This class has been a treat and hope to continue learning in all things code.

Austin Venues