Screenshot (10)What story are you interested in telling?

I would like to investigate how low-income Austin musicians are achieving appropriate healthcare. Partnered with ATX Music, HAAM(Health Alliance for Austin Musicians) is a non-profit organization that provides musicians with affordable health care prevention and wellness services. I would like to tell HAAM’s story to inform musicians of resources available for their health and use the data HAAM has provided to show the impact they are making to the city’s musicians.

Do you have an interesting lead to follow?

Austin musicians are the heart and soul of Austin and don’t always have the highest of income, 60 percent of HAAM’s members do not even qualify for the Affordable Care Act. HAAM wants to ensure the musicians are healthy to keep contributing music to the city.  I want to investigate how HAAM got started, how they attracted members to join and any kind of surveys and/or data numbers they pulled from the city itself.

                                                                                 Who are your users?

Austin musicians and anyone interested in becoming supporters of HAAM.Screenshot (11)

Where are your users?

Mainly Austin.

What questions might they have?

What qualifies them to be a member of HAAM?

Do they have to be full-time musicians? Is it just based on yearly income?

Which questions do you think are the most important?

How much does the health care system impact Austin Musicians? (I would need to contact HAAM to see where they got their data on musicians health care issues)

How would you know if this story was successful?

If more members take advantage of the services HAAM has to offer.

How are you going to measure that?

Traffic the article produces, shares to social media and actual client sign-up count to HAAM after the information and numbers are released.

What do you need to tell the story in that way?

Analytics of traffic to the site, open-relationship with HAAM to track the increase in members post-story.

What type of tools or technology will help you tell that story?

Google analytics to measure article success from a website and/or social media sites.

Austin Musician Health Needs