My inspiration for this application stems from the years I have loved video games. Now when I was younger you would have never caught me with a text based game, but as I have gotten older my tastes have changed. I respect the history of video game creation and realize that the modern day halo would not exist without the roots that lied within text based-input games. One of my high school friends showed me one called kingdom of loathing. While I was never crazy about it I had always wondered how he created it. It was a web text-based input game that anyone could play. It had a hilarious story line, didn’t make sense, but it was all about the hilarity of the random and bogus. So essentially that’s why I want to have fun creating my own.  This rough sketch outlines some possibilities, but I feel like I can make it layered even more. I will just need to figure out how to get it to work with a form.


Paper that’s utilized as research is seen at local stores which sell things for research purposes.

App 1 project