This Mass Comm Week, I enjoyed Trei Brundrett’s discussion the most about the importance of coding and building communities.
Brundrett, who is Chief Product Officer at Vox, doesn’t come from a coding background and in fact got a degree in astronomy.

The reason Vox Media is so successful is they’ve created a responsive platform, which values reader’s inputs and creates a platform where people can engage with one another. What I learned from Brundrett is you can’t throw a comments page under a story and say you’re interacting with readers. Vox filled a void and opened something like a discussion board for readers, kind of like Reddit, but a lot more aesthetically pleasing.
Brundrett got into coding, because he wanted to build things. It’s just that simple. It’s possible to create beautiful websites without having a computer science background. Brundrett had a vision of what kind of website and community he wanted to help build and did it.
Vox’s clear mission and dedication to its readers show; they’ve built a community for over 50
million readers around the world.
Why it’s important to build communities