Hey guys!

I decided to do my project on Kendrick Lamar, one of my favorite Hip-Hop artists. Using the code the Apan put together for us, I was able to mine tweets for “Kendrick AND Lamar.” In this, I found a bunch of tweets mentioning the artist from various users on Twitter. It was awesome seeing all the different perspectives each person had, but most fans ended up with a similar tweet…wanting Kendrick to release his album.

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The part that I was coolest, was the fact that Kendrick has fans all over the world and it shows when the map is zoomed out far enough.

I tried to decorate the page a bit, and Jesse helped me with map coloring by directing me to snazzymaps.com. I edited the portrait of Kendrick using GIMP image editer.  I even added the link to his latest single if anyone wanted to listen to him(I personally thought he could’ve done better on the song, but hey, I’m no producer lol.)

You can find my page here thomhodge.com/maps

Mapping Tweets Assignment!