This course will introduce you to programming concepts that are relevant to storytelling, including data visualization, Web scraping and news application development. It is a continuation of the Web Design  and Online Media Design (grad) courses.

We’ll be using this discussion area to talk about concepts and share ideas.

As for me, I have been at Texas State for ten years. I love teaching Web Design and Programming courses. It’s very exciting to be a part of the digital media revolution.

I live in Austin. I love it. When it’s not 100 degrees, I like walking around Lady Bird Lake, going to music festivals. I have a cat named Kiley. Below is a picture of her taken in one of the hotel rooms we stayed at when I drove out to CA for the Knight Fellowship. A road trip with my cat… I was there for 10 months, so kitty came with me.


I go to tech meetups in Austin, when I can. I like Austin on Rails, Refresh Austin. I co-founded the Hacks/Hackers meetup group, which brings journalists and programmers together.  I hope you will join us at some of these meetings. It’s a great way to network for your career.

I host a music blog at, but it is mostly just some photos and videos from shows I attend. I used to write a bit for Texas Music Magazine, but rarely have time for that these days. You can learn more about me at

Welcome to Coding and Data Skills!