IMG_6214I’ll start this off by saying I hope I am not stealing anyones thunder. I am almost certain that I want to do my final project on opting to adopt rescue/shelter animals. My family has personally rescued 2 dogs and I personally adopted my dog, Zooey (like Zooey Deschanel. Picture on the right of her being a little bada**), about 3 years ago from the San Antonio Humane Society.I always tell people to adopt or rescue animals if they are looking for a new family member. My dog has become such an important part of my life and brings me so much joy that I want others to feel this way as well.

Now the tricky thing is I am still trying to figure out what spin I want to take on this. I thought about finding data on kill rates for animals in the kill shelters vs adoption rates in the same shelter. That just made me kind of sad and I think I would go out and adopt all the animals if I did that. Another spin on this would be showing how many purebreds are in animal shelters waiting to be adopted. I thought about this because people usually want a husky puppy or german shepard puppy and then when they get too big they do not Screen Shot 2016-03-09 at 5.39.30 PMwant them anymore and give them to Animal Services or try giving them away. (An example to the left is a purebred German shepherd waiting for adopting at San Antonio’s Animal Care Services) This leaves a larger number than expected of purebreds in animal shelters, especially in kill shelters. If people saw how many purebreds are at near by shelters they may be more interested in adopting or rescuing and at a cheaper price at that.

The engagement function I would do for the first idea, if possible, would to have a bar chart and depending on the month you pick you can see the kill vs adoption rate for a specific kill shelter. Again, this makes me sad so I’m not too into this idea. The engagement function I would do,for the second idea would be to have a drop down of what kind of breed you are looking for and then pops up which animal shelter has that type of animal and it’s stats, kind of like a baseball card but for shelter animals.

The little issue I have run into is that after my short google search I am going to have to dig a little for the data I want to use for this. Nothing is impossible just a little challenging. People do not like to really advertise the whole kill rate thing and to get specific breed types might be difficult. But where there is a will there is a way.

My plan B is really boring, so I hope I am able to figure this out to have a more exciting and interesting project.

Opt to Adopt