11896037_981582705197137_1931349715402081325_nMy name is Kevin Quintero. I am an Electronic Media major with a minor in Computer Science. I am a 22 year old senior with nothing but ambition to impact business with creativity. I co-started digital marketing company with a friend of mine in which we create video, web, email, and photography campaigns for small business. Check out our work here –> Intel Productions.

I spent the entire year of 2015 learning how to code and making any digital media content web optimized. I am excited about taking this class and expanding my knowledge on web development. I love creating content. Beautiful content.

I started making videos when I was 13 and have done it ever since. I’ve made video commercials/tutorials for medical companies, industrial technology companies and even shot a couple of weddings (I would not recommend that carrier path).

I love running miles, I love being outside and I love adrenaline. I just like doing stuff and don’t believe in wasting time. I haven’t thought of what my final project is going to be. I accidentally missed the first class and have yet to find out what exactly we will be learning. Whatever it is, I’m excited to find out.

Here are some graphics and videos I’ve done in the past few months.

Happy 2016! from Intel Productions on Vimeo.

Noise :: Intel Productions from Intel Productions on Vimeo.

HOPE Outdoor Gallery in Austin Texas from Intel Productions on Vimeo.

Kevin Quintero – Data Journalism