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For my final project I scraped Yelp for the top ten restaurants, coffee shops, and music venues in an attempt to create a way for the user to generate a random location to go to. I used a random array to create the generator where the user can select if they want to go to a restaurant, coffee shop, or see live entertainment. Once the user selects an option a map of the top ten appears and then they can select the “Nose Goes” button and then they are directed to the Yelp page of a random top ten choice. Though, instead of linking to the Yelp page for the music venues I had them link to the venues events calendar that way the user can see what is going on that night.

Some challenges I had to overcome was working with the generator to include a script inside an if statement so that the random links would correspond to the user input. With great help from Cindy I was able to be successful!

Originally, I wanted to include a budget option but I was unable to figure out how to get the conditions to work just right so I settled with the cheapest top tens of the three categories.

Thanks for a stellar semester!

Here is my final project.

Final Project