I did my final project on diversity in Austin with relation to the population of musicians, basing my site around data gathered by the Austin Music Census. I spent most of my time making tweaks to the chart I designed, making multiple versions to fit for the different applications across the site, and though I’d liked to have made it more stable, time constraints forbid otherwise. Still, I’ve always considered myself to be incredibly shaky in javascript, so coding this from scratch has done an excellent job at getting me more comfortable with the language.

I spent a great deal of time coding the design layout for my site, then scrapping it and starting anew. It took several versions to conceive an idea that I was happy with, but I’m glad that I have because I think this is the most successful form of my website. My final project can be viewed here, at shaynaniganscreative.com/final

Diversity in the Music Scene – Final Project