After waiting too long to obtain the data needed for my original “Flooding with music” idea I switched to looking at Texas blues, jazz, and soul artists. The site highlights the types of genres in Texas overall then breaks down
Flooding with music-Final Project
Two floods have wracked Central Texas in only a year, far surpassing records and setting precedents for the community. For this project, I want to use data to show how music helped this part of Texas heal. Once the shock subsided
The sound of Texas bands-A charting exercise
I’m always interested in Texas music and it has changed over the years. It is a given country music is huge here, but what about the other genres that have shaped this great state? For this project I used Chart.js,
What’s up with country music?
For this twitter API project chose to gather tweets with “country music.” Its fitting because tonight (11/4) is the Country Music Awards and it seems like people dismiss country music overall. Honestly it makes sense to me, all the new
Mass Comm Week 2015
What a great Mass Comm Week! I always love this event because it really challenges student’s professionalism and makes them question their skill set and career moves. I believe the best way to experience the week is attend a mix
The first of many insights
I was only able to attend one panel on Monday but I’m so glad I did. Chris Perez at the Entrepreneurial Thinking session was such a breath of fresh air. When you live in a world that says you have
Telling a Story With Excel
The growth of Central Texas absolutely astonished me when I moved here from east Texas. So, I looked at census records to compare the growth of my hometown county and its surrounding counties and the counties I live near now.
Final Chapter Thoughts
There were three main things I got from this chapter: you need to know how to utilize data correctly and efficiently, know who your audience is and that it is paramount journalists visualize data. Throughout this book I’ve seen so many examples of
Music Data Story
I would like to create a story of how the landscape of venues in Austin has changed and how that is impacting the music industry. In the Austin Music Census an excerpt explains how legacy and history of a venue
Case Study: Crowdsourcing the Price of Water
Out of all the case studies I really liked the Crowdsourcing the Price of Water. The data visualization takes information from Franciscan resident’s water bill, which can be scanned and verified, and throws it on an interactive site. The site