
Hey There,

I am Kathryn Price an Electronic Media Senior and I enjoy film. After graduating in May I hope to go study at University of Southern California in the Peter Stark Producing Program. So stories are a big part of my life. Now with people opting to stay home to watch movies instead of in a theater I decided to be proactive and use coding for an advantage. I don’t know exactly how I am going to use coding to boost movie sales, but this class is a great start.

Music data journalism makes me think of being up to date with every band that is playing near me. I don’t want to just know who is playing near, but people’s ratings of the show so far and notification of which of my friends are there. It could almost be a yelp but uses social media data to keep it up to date instead. The design would have to be simple since the venue and artist will continuously change.

At the Start