Three former TXST students came to speak Wednesday night for Mass Comm Week. They spoke about their experiences in their current professions and what led to them doing what they do.

What I got out of this talk, which was in my opinion one of the most important of Mass Comm Week was that it’s okay to feel like you don’t know anything about coding sometimes. Sometimes you feel overwhelmed after getting a project and question if you’re even good enough to be in a certain class. Then it’s just getting over that feeling and putting in work.

Another key point was when a student mentioned a light-bult sparked in her head about web design. That she didn’t mind staying up late doing a coding assignment opposed if she was doing an essay.

I enjoyed hearing about the philosophical and personal side of the web design industry.

(The names of the speakers)

-Ashley Hebler, SJMC alumna; front-end Web developer,Volusion
– Josue Plaza, SJMC alumnus; junior PHP developer, Bravelets
– Glynn Jordan, alumnus; Web developer at Clearhead

3 Former Students in the Industry