My inspiration for this project come from the New York Times dialect survey from 2013, on of the most successful data journalism examples we have seen. I would like to have users take a survey about their favorite types of music and combine their answers to create a heat map of where their music taste originates from. The survey will place a persons music taste based on data of North America.
As far as getting the data is concerned, in the past year Pandora has started allowing its artists to see where their music is listened to the most to help plan tours and marketing accordingly. This could potentially be a great resource to use but you have to be connected t bands to gain access through the site. I’m wondering if there is a way to scrape the data without needing a login.
There is also data on this site about popular music in each state that could be useful. There are a few tables on the page as well as a link to look at different regions you can choose. After a little more study this looks like it may be the best option.