So, true to form, I decided to do my project coffee-related. Coffee is something ever-present in my life and something that I know a lot about. Plus, I think it’d be fun to put on my site, thecandiceskitchen.com. This will be a Buzzfeed-like quiz entitled “What kind of coffee are you?”
I’ve thought of some qualities that might be associated with different types of coffee (with tea thrown in there, because it’s important too!) and will ask 5-8 questions related to a person’s work, play, and social habits, and assign numbers to each of the different answers. I’ll play around with how they add up to different answers, because I think it’d be more logical to put it on a sort of scale/spectrum of qualities. But nothing too in-depth.
I’ll probably put a photo with each of the questions, and have another photo to accompany the result. I’ll also design a header and use mocha-like colors for the background.
Here is my quiz.