For the final project I think I want to make a project that will tell you who played in Austin on the day you were born. Inspired by sites like this one that tells you what song was number 1 on the charts the day you were born.

The data for this I would have to get from The Chronicle. I could use their recommended events or just overall listings of shows. I think it would make it easier and have more relevant results though using recommended events listings. I have found on the chronicle site XML pages of recommended listings but it will only show me the listings for the current day. So I’m not sure how or if i will be able to collect all of the data. Also it would only be able to go back to as long as the chronicle has been archiving (early 90’s I think). If I could find archives of all recomended show listings I could potentially scrape the data to gather a database of what happened in austin every day for as long as the chronicle has been archiving.


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What happened in Austin on your birthday?