11004033_10152685198313837_2127987394_n We all know Kanye West and his infamous opinion on just about everything. But how on earth do you keep up with all of his opinions? Enter Kanye’s world. A collection database where one may choose from a dropdown box, a collection of deep thoughts spoken by the artist. Once chosen the user may find out what the artist has said about certain current events or industries.       Algorithms:

  • 1) User chooses subject from dropdown box
  • 2) User inputs year from 2012-2015
  • 3) User clicks submit
  • 4)User gets a paragraph explaining what deep words Kanye gave for that subject.

Now I am going to let you all finish writing your amazing coding ideas but I am pretty sure I am going to regret this project!

I ended up creating a quiz that lets you determine what type of Kanye are you. We all must relate to the “mastermind” in some way. So here, take my quiz to find out. www.stephanialarac.com/kanye.html


What did Kanye Say?