I’m always interested in Texas music and it has changed over the years. It is a given country music is huge here, but what about the other genres that have shaped this great state?

highchartFor this project I used Chart.js, Highcharts, Google Chart API and Google Fusion Tables to show how many bands fit into each genre in Texas. The data was scraped from the Texas Music office and then manipulated by a combination of Excel and Google Fusion Tables. I could have used excel the whole time but the fusion tables helped me see if I was grabbing the right information I wanted to visualize in real time.

All in all I think Highcharts was the best for this set of data. Chart.js was hard to use overall and the google tools didn’t really give as much flexibility as Highcharts. However, I loved having data manipulation, sorting and chart development housed in one with the fusion tables.

Check out my site and let me know what you think!

The sound of Texas bands-A charting exercise