Everyone enjoys quizzes that somehow connects them to a character, place or idea. I have found people enjoy an extra touch when the quiz leads to the user discovering something new about them. My first project idea is inspired by that thought, this Buzzfeed quiz and Disney’s Epcot. EPCOT Center, 1979The Buzzfeed quiz names what the quiz is about, lists seemingly ambiguous questions and highlights a destination/idea the user may not have considered. Also, Epcot is a huge tourist trap that aims to promote certain countries.


For my first project, I want to create a web quiz application that shows which Paralympic event the user should watch during Rio 2016. It would be linked to the Olympic Site, the catch the typical Olympic viewers and would be shareable on social media, of course. The headline would read “Like extreme sports? Into inspirational stories? Then take this quick quiz!” The buzzy and quick headline will draw people in and only reveal that the quiz is for Paralympic events at the end.

The design would be a chart with questions on the left-most column and radio buttons for each selection. The questions would range from a selection in track, water, team, solo events, etc. Once they complete the form a page/section will pop up listing their customized list of events and where/when they can watch.


The coding behind the quiz will have divs and CSS to style the quiz in a user-friendly, visually appealing way. The algorithm will begin with script that prompt a name and email. If this was a real quiz, we could also add a check box for them to subscribe to the Paralympic newsletter. The rest of the form will be based on a lot of if-statements and contain getElementById coding. It will also contain event script so the user can submit the quiz and see what events they would enjoy.


Here is my quiz submission. As I developed it I realized there was more I wanted to do than the time allotted would allow. I do want to go back and flush it out more to make it a user-friendly and enjoyable quiz. I added a second quiz and wanted to put it in a show/hide, but again realized I needed to give more time for trial and error the understand the logic and coding behind a quiz.

Check out my quiz here and look back to see the changes I try to make.

Project 1- A Quiz
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