As an idea for my music project I would like to see an application that analyzes people’s individual music playlist based on birth year. I was influenced by the NY Times’ “How Birth Year Influences Political Views”
This data analyzes both age and political preferences based on the year you were born. My application would analyze information from an undergraduate universe and would evaluate musical preferences based on year born and geographic information. It would be a good method to compile music preferences based on age for the state of Texas and see how it changed over time.
Since the information needed would be extensive, we could begin smaller increments and only choosing a certain music genre then building over time. For example using a website such as GigMasters which rate top musicians in certain counties based on popularity. Following that information we can build to analyze the demographic of each one. In an effort to make it Texas Specific we could use the Texas Best website to analyze top musicians in certain counties.
Toward the end of the data analysis we would have a product the would look similar to another NY Times data analysis How Y’all, Youse and You Guys Talk.