By Melanie Morales

melanie_chartThe iHeart Radio Music Awards celebrated their third annual showcase on Sunday, April 3, 2016. The timing of this was convenient to gather some recent data for this assignment. It was either this or Donald Trump and those tweets were not as interesting, surprisingly enough.

I gathered the data for tweets using the hashtag #iheartradiomusicawards by doing our magical python and terminal skills we learned the week before. I search for 4,000 items and combined the file and began mining the data. This took some time, because as we know, emoticons and other techspeak is used in social media and this did not translate well once exported. The multi_set script was very useful and key to this assignment!

Staying true to form for award shows, the stars were the most tweeted and talked about for the event as you will see on my page.

I used the Chartjs bar chart for this exercise so the java script could manipulate the DOM and show exactly how many tweets each item had. I chose to list the items in alphabetical order when inserting the data.


Just Another Awards Show