Hi, I am Nic Raven. I am going to finish my Master’s in Strategic Communication and follow on with a Ph.D. in Mass Communications. What I hope to do with all that education and knowledge? Change the world of course. It was in Dr. Royal’s course that I was first introduced to data journalism, now being introduced to Music Data Journalism, well Liv Buli, the in-house music data journalist for the Next Big Sound, said it best – “Numbers tell the story.”

Whether you cover music or traditional journalism news, it is all about the data. Data visualizations can provide a complete story in itself. Simon Rogers, of the Guardian data blog, said this of data journalism, “It’s all about the stories, so I would say it goes that way round. It’s good to start examining a datasource with an idea in mind of what you’re looking for. Otherwise the whole thing just gets too unmanageable.”


It is just me and my music