
For this project I wanted to give a brief overview of the evolution of the Hip-Hop genre. I also did a survey of Texas State students to determine what their favorite genre’s and artists were. I was not surprised that Hip-Hop and Drake were the winners.

I enjoyed working on this project. I had to spend a lot of time researching about Hip-Hop history so I learned a lot of stuff I didn’t know before. Also, the hours spent going through codes found online, and trying to adapt them to what I needed gave me a whole new level understanding of coding. Overall, this process has definitely enhanced my skills.

With a little more time I think I could make this site a lot better. I was not able to get the tooltip to pop up for my Hip-Hop regions map and my images wouldn’t work well with my timeline. I spent hours googling/trying different things but couldn’t get anything to work.

View my website here.

Final Project: Hip-Hop