I did my final project on ACL Festival. I spent weeks compiling data on all the lineups of the 14 years of the festival entering data on where each band was from and their genres. I scraped wikipedia’s ACL Festival
Charting ACL
For my charting exercise I scraped all of the ACL lineups from wikipedia into a spreadsheet. From there I manually collected data on each band (genre and location where they’re from). I used high charts to create a line
Twitter API Project
I did my API project using #Zildjian and #Sabian. Zildjian and Sabian are two of the top cymbal brands. I scanned the tweets to find what other drum gear drummers who use the cymbal brands play. For instance I
Mass Comm Week Part 2
The talk that stood out most in the second part of this week was Dale’s #BetterOutside with two employees of Texas Parks and wildlife. It was really cool to gain some insight on what its like to be a wildlife
Mass Comm Week Part 1
The first two days of Mass Comm Week I’ve already atended more interesting panels and discussions than I had in the last 3 years here at Texas State. The week started with a talk on entrepreneurial thinking from Chris Perez, CEO
Top 1500 Party Songs broken down by genre
I had a hard time finding any meaningful data (about music at least) that i wanted to work with for this preliminary excel exercise. I eventually found a database of 70,000 songs for DJ’s to use so potential clients can
What happened in Austin on your birthday?
For the final project I think I want to make a project that will tell you who played in Austin on the day you were born. Inspired by sites like this one that tells you what song was number 1
Fun or Impact?
For my first project I’ve come up with a few ideas but I can’t decide which I want to do. I first thought of doing a quiz. Something that I can make humorous and relate my personal experiences to. I thought
Data Journalism : making our complex world edible in the digital age.
I think of data journalism as a way of breaking down complex stories into easily comprehensible, interactive presentations. Taking very complex story’s, or sometimes simple story’s with a lot of statical backing and presenting them in a way that anyone
The life span of a venue?
Hey everyone, I’m Ben Slade, and I’m a graduating senior majoring in Electronic Media with a Digital Media Concentration and a Business minor. I feel very connected to the Austin Music Scene. It has been a part of my life